The University of Manchester GBS Research Study

I have been contacted by Dr Stephanie Lyons,  a Lecturer in Health Psychology at The University of Manchester.  They are planning research into the following areas:

Research plans:
  • We are currently designing a study to support parents/caregivers of babies who developed late-onset GBS infections within the past 5 years.
  • We want to learn from families’ experiences to inform future care and provide better support.
  • Before beginning our research, we would really like to organise 2 Patient and Public Involvement workshops, so parents, caregivers and health professionals can share their experiences and inform our study design (e.g. how we might best recruit and make it accessible etc). Participants in the workshops will be reimbursed.
  • We are especially interested in hearing from families of Black and Asian infants, as they are at higher risk of developing GBS infections.

If you are interested in taking part in this study of Group B Strep, please click here for more details.