Can you help GBSS? Did you have a waterbirth and a GBS experience?

@GBSS are asking for help…

Did you have a Group B Strep experience and a water birth?

We know that often pregnant women and people are told they’re ‘not allowed’ a water birth if carrying Group B Strep.

GBSS are looking for families who want to share their experience of GBS and water birth to highlight this to midwives and other health professionals.

The team at GBSS would like to hear from you if:

1. You had a water birth and
2. You had a group B Strep experience (GBS carriage or you / your baby had a GBS infection)

Please complete click on the link here and a member of the Group B Strep Support team will be in contact with you.

Thank you for taking part in this important study into Strep B and waterbirths.